Impeach the MoFo Already
Dan Savage, brilliant advice-giver that he is, has started a campaign called ITMFA--based on his classic acronym DTMFA (drop that mofo already) from his weekly column.
He's definitely not alone in this awareness campaign: I googled "impeach Bush" and came up with 7 million hits.
Of particular interest is the site Impeach which provides a legal document listing 20 points that provide grounds for impeachment. It is soliciting signatures for its referendum, and to date has collected 700,000 signatures.
This is the moment where the US must decide its moral stance: Puritanism or Human Rights?
Will they allow history to record that they are willing to impeach a President over extra-marital sex, but will not impeach one that consistently lies to the public, invades a country based on said lies, illegally wiretaps citizens phonelines in the name of their "protection", and permits torture to be used in defense of "freedom" and "democracy"?
Labels: activism, politics, pop culture