Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Action Needed: Pay Equity. Fight Bill C-10.

Please contact a Senator in your area:

Don't use the budget bill to eliminate pay equity!

If Bill C-10 passes it will…
• Allow the Conservative Government to remove pay equity complaints from the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

“Canadian Human Rights Commission does not have
jurisdiction to deal with pay equity complaints in the
public service.” (Excerpt Bill C-10)

• Force individual women to make pay equity claims without any
support from their Union, and would impose a $50,000 fine on
Unions for assisting them.

“The bargaining agent…is strictly forbidden to
encourage or assist her in filing a complaint, and is
liable to a $50,000 fine if it does.” (Excerpt Bill C-10)

• Allow Private sector workers to continue to complain and defend themselves on paydiscrimination through the Canadian Human Rights Commission while Public sector workers will no longer have that option.

I am asking you as one of the N.B. senators to vote to remove the Public Sector
Equitable Compensation Act from Bill C-10. Pay Equity is a Human Right and Human
Rights are not negotiable!

Name: ____________________________
Signature: ________________________
Mailing address:____________________

List of New Brunswick Senators:
Listes des Sénateurs et Sénatrices du N.-B.

Name/Nom Affiliation(Parti)

Bryden, John G. LIB (NB)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., KlA 0A4
Tel : 613-947-7305
Fax 613-947-7307

Corbin, Eymard G. LIB (Grand-Sault)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-996-8485
Fax: 613-995-8172

Day, Joseph A. LIB (Saint John-Kennebecasis)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-992-0833
Fax: 613-992-1175

Kinsella, Noël A. CONS (Fredericton-York-Sunbury)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-992-4416
Fax: 613-992-9772

Losier-Cool, Rose-Marie LIB (Tracadie)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Honorary Co-Chair of the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity.
• co-présidente honoraire de la Coalition pour l’équité salariale du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Tel: 613-947-8011
Fax: 613-947-8013

Lovelace Nicholas, Sandra M. LIB (NB)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-943-3635
Fax: 613-943-3637

Mockler, Percy CONS (St.Leonard)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-947-4225
Fax: 613-947-4227

Ringuette, Pierrette LIB (NB)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-943-2248
Fax: 613-943-2245

Robichaud, Fernand LIB (NB)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-943-0675
Fax: 613-943-0677

Wallace, John D. CONS (NB)
The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-947-4240
Fax: 613-947-4252

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