Arthur C. Clarke Joins the Cosmic Dust

Arthur C. Clarke, writer of the classics 2001: A Space Odyssey, Childhood's End, and dozens of novels and short stories, passed away today. It's too bad that during his lifetime he didn't get to experience contact with another alien civilization, as he so desired.
Here are some excerpts from his 2008 "Egogram", reflections on his 90 years, and plans for the future. I love the Rudyard Kipling quotation. Prescient.
EGOGRAM 2008 - Sir Arthur C Clarke
Friends, Earthlings, ETs -- lend me your sensory organs!
I send you greetings and good wishes at the beginning of another year – and we’re getting closer to 2010, 'the year we make contact' (according to the movie 2010: Odyssey Two).
Making contact, or at least receiving some evidence of extra-terrestrial life, was one of three wishes I included in a short video released online in December reflecting on my 90th birthday. I said: “I have always believed that we are not alone in the universe. But we are still waiting for ETs to call us – or give us some kind of a sign. We have no way of guessing when this might happen – I hope sooner rather than later!”
Completing 90 orbits around the sun is a suitable occasion to reflect on how I would like to be remembered. As I said in my birthday reflections video:
“I’ve had a diverse career as a writer, underwater explorer, space promoter and science populariser. Of all these, I want to be remembered most as a writer – one who entertained readers, and, hopefully, stretched their imagination as well.
I find that another English writer has expressed it very well.
So let me end with these words of Rudyard Kipling:
"If I have given you delight
by aught that I have done.
Let me lie quiet in that night
which shall be yours anon;
And for the little, little span
the dead are borne in mind,
seek not to question other than,
the books I leave behind."

Arthur C. Clarke
Childhood's End One of my favourite stories.
Arthur C. Clarke Foundation His projects, philanthropic endeavours, and bio.
Labels: art and film, History, pop culture, technology