Monday, December 05, 2005

In Memoriam

The above are the names of the women who died at the hands of a misogynist madman. We remember them because of the tragedy and shock of a group killing. But we must also remember the women who have died ever year since Dec 6, 1989. In that time, 30 women have been killed by their partners in New Brunswick. And elsewhere in the country we hear news everyweek of missing young women, of bodyparts strewn across neighborhoods, of another native woman found in a field.

I don't think we're remembering hard enough.
But I suppose it's not the men and women who do the remembering that are the problem.

Feast your eyes on the following article from the Montreal Gazette, published on Dec 2 (a few days ago):

"Frustrated by the red tape involved in registering his rifle, a 59-year-old Québec bush pilot sent threatening emails to women's groups, vowing to finish what killer Marc Lépine started (Dec 6, 1989, École Polytechnique, Montréal). "You're next. Read and weep," Donald Doyle emailed the Fédération des femmes du Québec and Women's Legal Education and Action Fund, subject line "Women, Bitches, Sluts", with a picture of Lépine and a list of 24 female and one male activists. Doyle told Superior Court he blamed women's groups for seeking tighter gun controls.  Last week, Doyle, a divorced father of two girls, was found guilty by a jury on 33 counts of making death threats and 2 counts of improperly storing a firearm. The 10 months Doyle spent behind bars awaiting trial counted for double, making him eligible for parole immediately, as he has no criminal record. He was sentenced to 3 years probation and is forbidden to contact any women's groups in Canada and will be subject to a 10-year weapons ban. The prosecutor and women's groups applauded the sentence."
- Allison Hanes, The Gazette, Dec 02 05



At 11:37 AM, Blogger Arty Povera said...

meric, FP, pour ces nouvelles. J'aime beaucoup l'oeuvre de Villeneuve, alors ca m'intrigue. C'est surement un sujet, film, difficile...... J'attends le produit fini.


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