In the news this week is the story of an Ontario doctor (who will remain nameless) who killed a nurse who was a former girlfriend (who will remain, and always was, nameless).
I can't believe Canada is adding yet another woman to this year's death toll of domestic violence. What am I supposed to do with this official policy of complacency towards sexual, gendered, violence? Most of the women I have read about this year, and last year, and the year before, who were PUBLICIZED as victims, had filed restraining orders, and taken legal action against their partners; but their actions are never taken seriously, rarely enforced, and the end result seems always to be a death sentence.
What does a woman have to do gain "protection"? In this recent case, the hospital concluded there wasn't sufficient evidence to take action against the doctor. In a cbc article, the hospital spokesman states: "Do we wish there might have been one more thing that could have happened that might have prevented it? The answer is yes." I see. So besides a restraining order, a court date (which was to happen in december), saying "I feel unsafe", and having escorts to and from her parking spot to the hospital, in order for the offical policy to finally accept her claims of personal fear, they needed just ONE MORE PROOF. Something small, perhaps only to be beaten, or raped; too bad he went straight for the kill, they missed their chance to "save" her.
Women shouldn't have to rely on this faulty, positivist system.
and yet, what are our other options? I don't see way out. The men's behaviour, the judicial system, the vicitmization of women: these are intersecting components, we can't address one without the other.
And I can't even begin to address the 500 missing abooriginal woman here... (and rising)
Women in this country are being failed on all counts
i don't know what i can do
Labels: feminism