Monday, November 13, 2006

Take Back the Tech

An online campaign calling for everyone to take control of ICTs [information communication technologies] and make efforts to consciously (and conscientiously) change the power relations between men and women.

For 16 days, Nov 25 - Dec 10, Take Back the Tech is asking people to engage with the communication technology around them ("internet, radio, telephone or even your camera") and take action concerning Violence against Women.

Now, you're probably thinking what does ICT have to do with domestic violence, sexual violence, and harassment in the community? There are several reasons to make this connection:
- All sexual violence stems from a base-level understanding in our society that unequal gender dynamics are acceptable; that women (and their bodies) are somehow communal property. [i won't get started on reproduction rights here...]
The mindset that permits a man to make unwanted sexual advances or even mildly annoying (but not physically threatening) cat-calls to me on the street is at its core the same as the mindset that allows a man to beat his partner to death. They stem from the same worldview, and are on the same spectrum of relation, though on opposite ends.

Specifcally, Take Back addresses online harassment and abuse, and also encourages us to use technology as a tool to combat V.A.W.

Some of the connections outlined are:
- Both ICTs and VAW affect our capacity to completely enjoy our human rights and fundamental freedoms.
- For example, websites can be a useful place for women in violent relationships to get information and help. However, tools like spyware and GPS tracking devices have been used by abusers to track and control their partner's mobility.
- Reclaiming women’'s critical participation and contribution to ICTs (e.g. Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper…)
- Echoing the "Take Back The Night" campaign
- Online Spaces - Right To Move Freely Without Harassment or Threat to Safety
- Maintain the right to Shape, Define, Participate, Use, and Share online.

Take Back the Tech has created a wiki through which users can actively participate in this intervention by uploading campaign ideas, stories and experiences, contribute campaign tools, materials, photos, and add resources. It's the perfect formal match for their goal.

So, use technology to make a statement about violence against women: create a poster or photo-collage; create a blog, research and send around a group e-mail, compile newspaper articles on the topic... and don't forget to contribute to the wiki to let the organizers know their network of activism is extending itself.

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